The Best Facial for Sun Spots — Treat Hyperpigmentation With Professional Facial Treatments and Regular Home Care

Perhaps you skimped on sunscreen one too many times or took too many trips to the tanning beds. You’ve started to notice sun spots appearing on your face and you want them gone ASAP. 

Now what?

While there’s no way to reverse sun spots, there is a way to remove them.

In this guide, we will help you figure out the best facial treatments to remove your sun spots and improve the overall appearance of your skin.

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What Are Sun Spots?

The name itself is suggestive — sun spots are hyper-pigmented areas in the skin that were caused by UV exposure from the sun or tanning beds. Too much exposure to UV light can cause melanin in the skin to be produced in higher concentrations, resulting in flat brown spots.

Typically, sun spots start to appear around the age of 40-50. However, anyone can develop sun spots from too much UV exposure regardless of age.

What Facial Treatment Is Best for Sun Spots?

The best facial treatments for sun spots are those that focus on lightening the skin and stimulating the turnover rate of skin cells to bring the pigmentation to the surface of the skin where it can be removed.

Some of the best facial treatments for sun spots include: 

  • Microdermabrasion

  • Dermaplaning

  • Specially-formulated facials

  • Chemical peels


Microdermabrasion is a process that carefully removes the surface layer of the skin by using an applicator with an abrasive tip against the skin. When it comes to sun spots, microdermabrasion can help with two things:

  1. Exfoliate the skin to produce a higher turnover rate of skin cells, which helps bring hyperpigmentation to the surface of the skin where it can be treated

  2. Stimulate collagen production, which can help make the skin look brighter and reduce the appearance of sun spots


Similar to microdermabrasion, dermaplaning is also a procedure that helps exfoliate the surface layer of the skin. During this procedure, a small scalpel known as a dermatome is used to gently remove skin cells, dirt, and vellus hair.

Dermaplaning can help remove the top layer of hyper-pigmented skin cells so the body can generate new, less-pigmented skin cells. 

Specially-Formulated Facials

Specially-formulated facials can contain ingredients that help brighten the skin. Pair a facial like this with an exfoliating procedure like microdermabrasion and you have a powerhouse combo for reducing the appearance of sun spots.

At Skin Detail, we recommend the Renewal facial to clients looking to diminish hyperpigmentation.

The Renewal facial combines active ingredients that brighten the skin with microdermabrasion and ultrasonic technology to remove hyperpigmented skin cells and promote a flawless complexion. Contact us today to book a facial for brighter, healthier-looking skin.

Chemical Peels

For faster, more dramatic results, a chemical peel may be the best solution for sun spot removal. 

However, this procedure is a little more intense than other exfoliating options like dermaplaning or microdermabrasion. This is because chemical peels involve applying a chemical solution to the skin that removes the top layers of the skin.

Unsure which facial removal treatment is right for you? We can perform an in-office consultation to help determine the best treatment for removing your sun spots.

Facials for Sun Spots: The Challenge of Removing Skin Pigmentation

It’s important to remember that sun spots don’t happen overnight — years of UV exposure can cause sun spots. Similarly, sun spots cannot be removed overnight. In fact, skin hyperpigmentation is one of the hardest conditions to remedy. 

Patience is a virtue — that many of us don’t have. So, what can you do to speed up the removal process?

  1. Always consult with a professional on the best treatment options for your skin.

  2. Be consistent with home care and in-office treatment to help boost your skin turn-over rate.

  3. Take care of your skin by reducing UV exposure. Wear sunscreen!


What Should the Best Facial for Sun Spots Do for Your Skin?

The main goal of facial treatments for sun spots is to bring hyperpigmented skin cells to the surface of the skin where they can be treated.

The duration of this process can depend on how many layers of skin must be removed to bring the hyperpigmented cells to the surface. It is common for pigmentation to appear darker before it begins to brighten as these cells make their way to the surface of the skin.

How to Prevent Sun Spots After Treatment

Treatment for sun spots takes time and money — don’t let your investment go to waste!

Here are some ways that you can help prevent getting sun spots in the future:

  • Wear sunscreen and reapply regularly when you are in the sun for extended periods

  • Avoid tanning beds

  • Choose face makeup with SPF in it

  • Ensure you follow aftercare directions after skin treatments and avoid sunlight if directed

3 Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best Facial Treatment for Sun Spots

Still on the fence about what facial treatment is the best option for you? Here are some considerations to keep in mind.

#1: Treatment Intensity

There are many different treatments for sun spots — and many differences among these treatments. 

Some treatments may be more intense than others. For example, a chemical peel can prevent side effects like temporary skin redness and scabbing due to the intensity of the treatment.

On the other hand, a less-invasive treatment like dermaplaning may have fewer side effects but also take more treatments to achieve the desired effect.

Consulting with a skincare professional can help you work out your wants and needs, and the type of treatment that will best meet your desires.

#2: How Soon You’ll See Results

Perhaps the biggest consideration when deciding which sun spot treatment is best for you is how soon you would like to see results.

Are you willing to endure a more intense procedure to see faster results with fewer treatments? If so, you may consider skin laser resurfacing or a chemical peel.

If you are looking for a gentler procedure and don’t mind needing repeated treatments, combining exfoliation treatments with facials may be the better option for you.

#3: Cost of Treatment

When considering sun spot treatment, it’s also important to keep your wallet in mind. 

Treatments that produce faster results like skin lasering and chemical peels will be more pricey than a facial, microdermabrasion, or dermaplaning.

Book an Appointment With Skin Detail in Bend, Oregon — Focus on Sun Spots and Restore Your Natural Glow

Replace your sun spots with a healthy, summer glow.

Whether you're looking for facials, microdermabrasion, dermaplaning, or a chemical peel to remove sun spots and brighten the appearance of your skin, we can help.

Contact us today to book an appointment and receive a complimentary consultation to determine the best course of treatment for correcting your sun spots.


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